Yeah!!! It's finally up and running. I am so excited to have a new "fancy" site to display my work. Everything you need to know is on the new site. Under D
etails and P
rices are all kinds of great info (prices were raised a bit). I even have my calender on there to show what's available. I hope you all enjoy it -
so... Yes this means I am open for booking!!!!Big News!I am heading to the BEACH! On October 13th I will be sitting on a beach over in either Pismo, or Avila ready to take someones pictures. Want to come! First come first serve. I can take about 5-6 family's through the day. So excited. Please don't book unless you know you can make it. (Check those soccer schedules)
Saturday the 3rd of November I will be doing holiday shoot downtown. Really neat places downtown. I simply hop in the car and we take a little drive around the area popping out at different places I love to shot at. ( A fun wacky experience for all!) Book now if your inteested.
Newborns - There a lot of fall babies on thier way. Book now according to your due date so we can get you on the schedule.
*If you call and I don't answer the phone leave me a message with all the info and I will get back to you as soon as the kiddos are sleeping. (sidenote: When I call back and it says Kustom Kitchens - It's me)
Love that family plan.
So Go check out. Stay tuned in for more updates and photos here on the BLOG.