Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am thankful for...

Music that moves me
A messy house that means...we played
My friends that love me for exactly "me"
Grace that covers me daily
A family that still plays together
The Hugs of my children
The words "I love you"
Laughing with my hubby
Knees that haven't given up yet
Freedom and Creativity
Gas prices dropping (since I drive a gas hog)
Legacy's that continue to teach me
Finding The Well
Fleeting moments in time that take my breath away
Amazing support from family, friends, & clients
Relationships that don't give up
Francine Rivers (amazing author)
Road trips with best friends
Snuggles in the morning
Photographs that freeze my favorite moments

...i could go on and on.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday full of blessings and memories you can cherish forever. I look forward to posting my fall sessions when I am back. God Bless!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Out of the office through Nov 10th. Viva Las Vegas!!